How to Wrap Your Hands for Boxing & Muay Thai

How and Why to Wrap Your Hands for Boxing & Muay Thai

If you’re looking to try Muay Thai or Boxing, one of the first things you’ll need to learn is how to wrap your hands. Read on to find out!

Combat sports like boxing and Muay Thai used to be seen as brutal and violent. Now, all that is changing.
Sports like these are becoming more accessible than ever. In Thailand, Muay Thai is rising in popularity as a fitness regime, with traditional gyms becoming more and more fitness-focused.

How and Why to Wrap Your Hands for Boxing & Muay Thai |Decathlon TH

Why Should You Wear Handwraps?

Wraps are your first layer of protection, underneath your boxing gloves.
When worn correctly, they provide support for your wrist to protect against the impact of punches. Your hand contains 27 bones, all of which can be susceptible to fracture if not properly protected. That’s why it’s essential that you wrap your hands before each training session.
As well as supporting the wrist, wraps also provide a little extra cushioning for your knuckles.
Of course, your main source of cushioning will be your gloves, but your wraps will lay the groundwork. Without them, you might find that the skin on your knuckles gets sore or broken.

How to Wrap Your Hands

Wrapping your hands can be tricky, and it can take a few practices to get it right. As a guide, you can follow these steps to get you started:

- Start With the Thumb or Knuckles
There are 2 ways to start wrapping your hands. The first is to put the thumb loop around your thumb, and the second is to fold the wrap several times, making the fold the same length as your knuckles, creating a cushion that you can lay across them. Then, hold it over your knuckles and start wrapping. This way will give you some extra protection.
If you’re a beginner, it’s best to start with the thumb loop and go from there.

- Protect Your Wrist
Wrap your hand wraps around your wrist up to three times. Make sure it fits firmly, but isn’t too tight. It should feel supportive, but not restrictive.

- Loop it Around Your Thumb, Then Your Knuckles
From your wrist, loop the wrap around your thumb a couple of times, then back around the wrist again. From there, wrap it around your knuckles up to three times, before coming back to your wrist again.

- Go Through Your Fingers
Put the wrap between your index finger and middle finger, then bring it out between your index finger and thumb. From there, wrap it back around your wrist before repeating the process with each finger. Each time, make sure to come back to your wrist.

- Wrap the Wrist Again
The excess can be wrapped around your wrist until it runs out, before closing the velcro tab. When you’re done, turn your hand over and tuck in your wraps at the palm and the wrist. This will create the freedom of movement you need to comfortably make a fist.

How to choose handwrap

How to Choose Your Handwraps

When you’re shopping for boxing wraps, you’ll find that there are different lengths available. This can be confusing for first-time buyers.
The shortest type available is 2.5 meters. This length is most suitable for children. There’s also 3m, which can be used for adults with small hands who want to wrap their hands as quickly and easily as possible. If you’re training seriously and want to prioritise protection, you should opt for 4m or 4.5m wraps.

Find Your Boxing Handwraps at Decathlon Thailand

At Decathlon Thailand, we have a wide range of equipment, accessories and clothing for boxing, Muay Thai, and martial arts. This includes several types of handwraps.
Whether you’re looking for short or long wraps, simple plain wraps or colourful designs, you’ll find what you’re looking for at one of our stores.
Our boxing handwraps are made by Outshock, while our Muay Thai handwraps are made in Thailand by our dedicated Thai boxing brand, Waikru. Both can be used in exactly the same way.
Shop online now to find the right wraps for your training sessions.