4 Exercise for Lung Health | Decathlon Thailand

Ultimate Guide to Exercise for Lung Health

Exercise helps strengthen the body and promotes good health. But did you know that certain types of exercise can specifically strengthen our lungs? Today, we have prepared information for you on exercises that can help improve the strength of your lungs.

Are you looking to improve your lung health?

Whether you have a health condition, struggle with breathing difficulties, or just want to improve your fitness, your lungs will benefit from an exercise routine. When you’re working out, your lungs have to work extra hard to take in oxygen, provide energy and remove carbon dioxide.

In this article, we’ll tell you how it works, and which exercises you should be doing.

How to Strengthen Your Lungs Through Exercise

During exercise, your breathing rate will increase rapidly to enable your body to get as much oxygen as it needs. If it can’t, you’ll struggle through the workout. Use these types of exercises to make your lungs stronger and your workouts easier.

4 Exercise for Lung Health | Decathlon Thailand

1. Cardio Machines

Visit your local gym and take a look at the cardio machines.
Whether you prefer running on a treadmill, rowing, cycling, or using an elliptical machine, your lungs will feel the benefit. All cardiovascular exercise will get your heart rate up and force your lungs to work harder, resulting in increased lung capacity over time. If you want higher intensity and an upper body workout, choose a rowing machine. If you need a low-impact workout, an elliptical machine will be better for you.

4 Exercise for Lung Health | Decathlon Thailand

2. Swimming & Water Polo

Studies show that swimmers have better lung capacity on average. This is because they have to practice breathing techniques in order to hold their breath underwater for longer. So, when you’re in the pool, you’ll be working on your breathing and your cardio at the same time.

If you prefer something more social or competitive, you can take it to the next level by playing water polo in a team.

4 Exercise for Lung Health | Decathlon Thailand

3. Running

Running is a great way to give your lungs and your legs a workout. Even during a light jog, you’ll notice that your lungs immediately have to work harder. While it may feel difficult at first, it will get easier as you continue to train. Eventually, you’ll be able to put extra pressure on your lungs by doing sprints.

4 Exercise for Lung Health | Decathlon Thailand

4. Basketball & Other Team Sports

Basketball involves a lot of running up and down the court, and short bursts of activity. This makes it great for improving lung health. Other team sports, such as football, rugby, and even sepak takraw, can also provide the same benefit.

Top Tips for Healthy Lungs

As well as having an exercise routine, there are other things you can do to keep your lungs in great working condition.

First of all, it’s essential to avoid smoking. If you’re a smoker, take steps to cut down and kick the habit. Even if you’re not a smoker, you’ll have to make sure you stay away from second-hand smoke, as well as air pollution. You can improve the air quality in your home by getting an air purifier.

Studies show that vitamin D can prevent lung infections and diseases. So, make sure you’re getting enough through your diet.

On top of that, make sure you get your annual flu vaccination to prevent acute respiratory infections.

4 Exercise for Lung Health | Decathlon Thailand

Helping Your Lungs Recover After COVID-19

If you’ve had COVID-19, you may be finding it difficult to get back into exercising.

Recovery from COVID can be a long process, and it can take time to feel like you’re getting your cardiovascular health back to normal. It’s important not to push yourself too hard too quickly, and ease yourself back into your routine with gentle exercise that doesn’t put too much strain on your lungs.

Yoga can be a great solution, as it allows you to work on breathing exercises while moving your body and building strength and flexibility.

Let Decathlon Thailand Help You

If you’re experiencing prolonged breathing issues and find that exercise doesn’t help, we encourage you to consult a doctor. Your health is top priority, and if you think you may have an underlying health issue, it’s essential to get medical attention.
At Decathlon, we cannot give medical advice. However, we are experts in sport, and can assist you with any sporting needs you may have.
If you need any advice when it comes to playing sports or choosing sports products, send us a message or visit one of our Decathlon Thailand stores and talk to our sport leaders.