10 Camping Items Checklist | Decathlon Thailand

10 Items to Take on Your Next Camping Trip

Thailand is home to some amazing camping and glamping destinations. To make the most out of them, it’s essential that you prepare all the right gear for your trip.

Packing for a camping trip can be a daunting task, and the last thing you want is to arrive at your destination and realise you’ve forgotten an essential item. We’ve made it easy for you by creating this handy checklist.  Read on to find out what you’ll need.

Camping Tent

Essential Items for Campers in Thailand

1. Tent

A camping tent can be as simple as a 2-second easy tent for two people, or as complex as a four-bedroom family one. The tent you need will depend on which type of camping destination you’re heading to. Firstly, you should consider the climate. For temperate to cold climates, you’ll find many options at Decathlon Thailand stores. The next thing to think about is size. Whether you travel with family or are a solo adventurer, be sure to pick a size that works for you.

Sleeping bag

2. Sleeping Bag & Mattress

When you’re out camping , the right choice of sleeping bag is essential. This is because a sleeping bag is like a thermal bag. So, if you’re hot when you get in, your sleeping bag will help to maintain that temperature. Likewise if you’re cold. At Decathlon, we have a range of sleeping bags for different temperatures, so you can easily find the right one for your trip. A good tip is to buy a sleeping bag with a temperature rating of a couple of degrees lower than the weather at your camp.

After you’ve chosen your sleeping bag, you’ll also want to get a sleeping pad or a foam mat. The ground can be cold, hard and sometimes bumpy. None of those things make for a great sleep! Having a sleeping mattress to lie on will allow you to sleep much better, and wake up without a backache in the morning.

Camping chair

3. Camping Chair

You’ll certainly need a camping chair to enjoy your time at camp. The model you choose may depend on your mode of travel. If you’re bike camping or motocamping, a simple folding chair without a backrest is ideal. If you’re travelling by car or van, you have many more options available to you. We even have models with drinks holders, pockets to keep books and other belongings, and an additional leg rest.

10 Camping Items Checklist | Decathlon Thailand

4. Headlamp

At night, you’ll probably have little to no light at camp at night except for the campfire or your phone. That’s why a headlamp or a handheld torch is vital. It will make your nighttime activities much easier. A headlamp is more convenient as your hands are free to deal with whatever camp duties you’re on.

hiking shoes

5. Trekking Shoes

A pair of decent trekking shoes is a must in the outdoors, even if you’re not a serious trekker. During your time at the camp, you’ll be walking on uneven terrains, and trekking shoes will give you sturdy ankle support. Their thick soles also mean you won’t be bothered by rocks or stones underfoot.

water bottle for camping

6. Water Bottle

Hydration is vital when you’re hiking, trekking and being active around camp, especially in hot countries like Thailand. Carry an environmentally-friendly metal water bottle so you always have something to drink at hand. Avoid using plastics, especially single use plastic water bottles.

hat for camping

7. Hat/Sunglasses

A hat will keep the sun out of your face, keeping you cool and comfortable. As well as caps, Quechua also has camping hats with extra flaps to protect the back of your neck from getting sunburned. Combine it with a pair of our outdoor sunglasses for optimum protection against UV rays. We recommend using sunglasses that are light, have UV protection and are cheap enough to wear while camping without worrying about scratches or breakages.

hat for camping

8. First Aid Kit

If someone in your camp gets sick, injured, or even suffers a minor cut or scrape, you’ll need to have essential medical items to take care of them. Make your own first aid kit with everything you might need. This includes  Betadine, Dettol, Cotton swabs, paracetamol and some band aids.

10 Camping Items Checklist | Decathlon Thailand

9. Mosquito Repellent & Sun Block

Mosquitos, flies and other bugs can be irritating when you’re out in the wilderness. So make sure to pack some repellent spray to keep them away. Also, stock up on sunscreen to prevent sunburn.

10. Trash Bags

When you go camping, the only thing you should leave behind is footprints. So, make sure you pick up your trash and take it with you! Pack some trash bags to make it easy to pick up and store your litter. If you can’t find any trash bins around your campsite, take it back and dispose of it at home. 

Get Ready for Your Next Adventure!

Once you have everything you need, the only thing left to do is hit the road!

When you arrive at your destination, be sure to set up camp early so you have time to sit back to enjoy the sunset and the stars. Start off with a one day camping and then extend your trips as you gain more experience. No matter how much you prepare, there may always be things that don’t go to plan, but that’s all part of the camping experience!

If you need any advice for your next camping trip, our staff are here to help you. Visit the camping, hiking and trekking department in any of our Decathlon Thailand stores to chat to our staff!
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